Round Table Webinar

The Religious Forum Against Covid-19 hosted a Round Table Webinar on the 01st July 2021 at 10 am on a zoom meeting that had a slogan as follows ” When Faith Meets Science”. The faith leaders of diverse traditions addressed the different religious views of Covid-19, the vaccine and the fight against the pandemic, joined by faith-based practitioners.

The Webinar also addressed conspiracy theories, reasons for vaccine hesitancy and how faith-based medical practitioners balance their faith and the vaccine. The Webinar has different religious groups such as The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa, Council of African Independent Churches, South African Hindu Maha Sabha, Union of Orthodox Theologians, Believers on Christ, International Federation of Christian Churches, Muslim Judicial Council, The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints and South African Council of Churches.

Audiences were joining the conversation on Zoom or SACC and all the religious group’s Facebook pages.  This Webinar answered the survey questions taken from the communities who are affiliated with different faith group that listed above. It covered both the Faith and medical questions about COVID-19 and the Vaccine as well as addressing the falsified information about the vaccine that is dominating the online streets.

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